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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Vintage Photo Shoot (Jason's Idea!)

First I want to say I AM NOT TRYING TO BE SOME DAMN MODEL, I just wanted to play it up FOR FUN! You only live once, and these were done by MY HUSBAND! So, Please be kind, no gross comments. Some day I will be old and wrinkly and can look back at these and smile....or cry! lol

That being said, we played some Led Zeppelin, had a few drinks and this is what happened!


Me dancing to Led my $1 leather dress....HELL YEAH!!!!!


  1. You look great! Love those first two dresses

  2. The 3rd to last one is amazing. It really looks like in a magazine.
    your beautiful.

  3. These are great pics looked beautiful in these dresses....hell ya...tell jason he did a great job on these photos!!

  4. Thanks yall!! We had a blast and we plan on doing more this weekend :-)

  5. You go on with your bad self! These are awesome, I must agree the pic with you against the pillar is smokin'.

  6. OH HELLZ YEA !!!! You look so BEAUTIFUL women Dame!!!I would have loved to see the front of the Leather Biker dress That is Badd ass What Love love Love It all of are so pretty because you are wearing them !!! Tell Jason He did a freaking AWESOME Job on the photography GREAT JOB on both Yall s Parts Ox ox ox Peg Tatmom

  7. Wow they came out AWESOME!! Tell the hubby he did a great job!!!! You look soooooo PRETTY !

  8. That first dress is absolutely fantastic!

  9. Wow! These picture are great! You should be a model shit real talk!!! YOu guys did a fantastic job!

  10. Jeni -- the photos are very cool. I especially love the one with you wearing glasses -- you rock 'em! Also, the one of you standing against the railing in that flowing red dress with the chain belt. So pretty.

  11. Now these pictures wanna make me go eat a big ol plate of of fries and wash it down with a shake.Damn,girl you shouldn't be allowed to look so good after 3 kids.Seriously your amazing. And Mr. J is good at what he does/

  12. Super gorgeous pictures and you too of course! The photo of you against the column looks like its from a magazine editorial! Amazing job of modeling by you and your hubby definitely has some photographer skills! Thanks for sharing with us, I always get outfit inspiration from you.
