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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Random Things Make Me Happy

So this is what I did with the Owl thing that I thrifted recently. I still have no clue what the hell it actually is, but since I love INSTANT usage out of random items, I figured this would be cute to try!

Just the back view and our netflix movie in the background...we love us some netflix! I think it's Bridesmaids?

Why the hell not show a RANDOM outfit of the reason, just for the hell of it. 100% Thrifted of course...

My nasty feet and my freckled legs who won't see the sun's rays for the rest of my

Ok, so this random item(s) is another one of my "sicknesses". I love to frame, well framed art! I got the rooster pic for $1 and the already painted tourquoise frame was only $3! (notice I have not even cleaned it yet..I was too anxious) I also love to frame random items such as my next pic....


I found this random item at an antique shop. It is an ash tray (vintage) with a little wooden owl on it that swivels :-) I have a thing for owls and birds and all critters....

BY FAR my favorite thing I have thrifted recently! I randomly went to a thrift store that I had not been to in well over a month or so which is like a friggin YEAR for me. All of a sudden, BAM! I saw this and exclaimed "SHUT UP!"

Me showing the lace detail on the collar of the "jacket" it came with, oh and also that is my way of remembering things. I have to remember something at 9:30AM tomorrow so I wrote it on my wonder I forget shit...I wash my damn hands!

Random thing that Jason brought home from a sale at an antique shop...we love our cocks! lol

I bought this for Jason for a VERY GOOD PRICE and found out it was worth a LOT more....

Random Home Decor I thrifted that is a little wine bottle you hang on the wall...

Our RANDOM cat we call OREO. The chipmunks keep her ass


  1. Hey Jeni! I love the rooster, wine pic, and the owl candle thingy! I just thrifted a chrome whatchamacallit, who knows what it is, on Friday myself. It looks kind of like a toilet paper holder for several rolls. lol But I got all of my tangled necklaces and bling bling out of my make up bags and hung them on it the other day! It looks so freakin cool! Maybe I will post a pic of it on fb or somewhere to show you. Of course, you were my inspiration, and I love it! I only paid $3.99 for it. :)

    1. YES! Do! I would love to see it :-)That is awesome and a steal for the price! I am so honored that I was your inspiration, that makes me smile so big and I feel good about all the weird stuff I do with things. It is a lot more rewarding when you find something like that and use if for a totally different purpose and you didn't even spend a lot of money...LOVE IT!!!

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